Techno Tic Land Falls

by ianrandmckenzie

Techno Tic Land: This base was a large group base started by the player HopeAnnihilator. It was at this base that in my 2017 History post I mentioned SnipinNukes and HopeAnnihilator bringing the TPS to under 1 using Hope’s Gold Farm. One of the members momana mistakenly gave out an invite to another player Pepper to the base discord. In a very generous act the members choose to leave the base intact giving it to the momana that leaked the discord. About a month or so later momana planned to do a YouTube video inviting players to come to the base to grief it. Hearing this a few of its old members Deddryk, HopeAnnihilator, and SnipinNukes traveled back to the base to grief it themselves and destroy the map art there. dmonki did a video of the base before it was griefed of which you can view HERE


Photo Credit: Deddryk
Server Name: Constantiam
Server Address:
Server Website:

