Moving on to 100k NE

by ianrandmckenzie

As I continued to travel, I began to develop the philosophy of leaving anywhere I go a little better off than when I came. I didn't want to commit myself to massively epic builds, so I opted for simplicity, and paid extra attention to the smaller details to make my builds extra homey and cozy. When I came upon the 100k NE monument, it was quite destroyed. I had no idea what it looked like before, so I made a lot of assumptions. Then, I added a pub and inn next to it. I liked the idea of these places of service being available to weary travellers.


When I felt like I was done with the place and ready to move on, I wrote a little poem about how I was feeling about anarchy at the time based on how I had played anarchy in the past. I was noticing a clear, distinct, and drastic juxtaposition from how I used to play compared to how I was playing now. I felt like this book captured it fairly well:

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