1.12.2 Era

by ianrandmckenzie

August through September [2017] brought a period of Server Decay for many anarchy servers and this included Constantiam. Minecraft version 1.12.2 caused many connection, and lag issues impacting some players ability to connect to the server. During this time Constantiam’s player count many nights was less than five. Also notable this month was that PhantomCaptain redisigned the server website with a new look and features.

Also in October [2017] YoshiTheYoshi aka iNEEDnick's base was griefed due to him repeatedly posting the coords in chat. Zomabies provided a schematic of iNEEDnick's base if anyone would like to recreate iNEEDnick's unique build style. The Slums created by Assassin9116 was also griefed this month.

[October 2017] The "Wall Dispute" and the griefing of Casa Degli Impertori Base (JoeyC9, IronGolem, and Nyroc): Two players Jeding and FudgePackingJesus inspired by US President Donald Trump started building an obsidian wall at spawn. JoeyC9 was accused by Jeding and Fudge of destroying a portion of the wall, and the theft of some Gapples from Jeding. In the end Casa Degli Impertori Base was destroyed by Jeding. Not deterred, JoeyC9, and Nyroc_ have since moved on to a new base. Video by Jeding destroying Casa Degli Impertori Base.

Also notable [December 2017] is that PhantomCaptain announced there will be a new Temp Map in preparation for the 1.13 update, but we will pick up with that in Chapter X of The History of Constantiam.

We now find ourselves full circle to December of 2017. Server is quite active with 15 to 30 players on at most times. Madam Giggles Christmas Village was started as a server tradition, but alas didn’t last more than a week before being griefed, but like the story from “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”, the players at Madam Giggles Christmas Village vowed to move on and rebuild ... indeed the Christmas Spirt is alive and well on Constantiam.

Christmas Eve, 2017: While most players on the server were opening presents and enjoying some Holiday Cheer there were three players that were serving up Christmas … Anarchy style. On Christmas Eve 2017 Dot4, SnipinNukes, and HopeAnnihilator were busy wrapping Cheeta_Ross’s base with TNT. PICTURE of their Christmas Eve Gift Giving!

January 2018: With Christmas over one couldn’t help but notice mysterious Obelisk’s rising up around spawn. Many players have come across these massive structures that reach close to build height limit. A player by the name of Krazyeyzkilla built these structures with the Spires of Spawn being the largest of these structures.

January 14, 2018: A player by the name of Flixnix007 converted a village near spawn with the main feature being a large ship. The name of the Seaside Village was Tortuga. It was on this date that two players Jeding and SnipinNukes griefed Tortuga due to its proximity to spawn. A video of Tortuga can be viewed HERE

February 17, 2018
This was the beginning of the second Astrokie Trading Post. While waiting on SirGwaine to trade some MapArt Astrokie started building at 2600X. As the days past more players showed up and started building as well. Some of these players were KrazyEyzKilla, Flixnix007, SabertoothBunny, and others. Astrokie's second Trading Post grew in size quickly and turned into the second largest server event in 2018 behind the Riddler Games, but was griefed by momana bringing it to an END! As Astrokie always says Buy Astrokie Goods Today

February 25, 2018: The Daily Cuck Newspaper was started by the player PaperEditor turns two years old.

March of 2018: The player daycap (StoneCrocodile) had his base hunted and griefed by the player Dot4. Dot4 utilized a chunk tracing mod to find and destroy daycap’s base.

April of 2018: The YouTuber AntVenom with over 2 Million Subscribers logs on to Constantiam well showcasing Anarchy Servers.

April Fool's Day: Anyone logging on to Constantiam on April 1, 2018 will remember Mojang’s April Fools Prank! Players were greeted with a horrible texture pack and loads of rabbits. If you threw a Chicken Egg a Rabbit would pop out instead of a Chicken!

May 2, 2018: On this day the player SilverKrownKing had his dupe stash destroyed. This dupe stash had many 1000’s of shulkers that was duped during the donkey dupe of 2017. Silver accused Dot4 of destroying his dupe stash of which Dot4 denies until this day.

Sugar Town [May 2018]: In the same month the base called Sugar Town was griefed, by Dot4 and Laxdude. Many of the same players that were rebuilding the Hotel based and built at Sugar Town. More can be found HERE with regards to Sugar Town.

May 10, 2018: FitMC posted a video on his YouTube channel named The Day 2b2t Almost Died in which he mentioned Constantiam and how many of the old 2b2t players fled 2b2t and came to Constantiam after some drama on that server in early 2016. This single video brought many new players to Constantiam nearly doubling the player count. One of those players was Sinning Soul.

ConstantFit: The player Sinning Soul joined Constantiam with the goal of becoming Constantiam’s own FitMC hence the name ConstantFit. With his discord set up and inviting any player that would join he begin a campaign of giving orders to anyone and everyone. Many of Constantiam’s Veteran players were given leadership roles in Sinning Soul’s Group. Unknowingly, at the same time a separate discord server was setup by SirLeonidas with the goal of destroying all his bases and killing all his members he brought to Constantiam. In a coordinated strike at three different locations more than 20 of Constantiam’s Veteran players bedtrapped and leveled all his bases within five minutes of the order given. Within days of this event Sinning Soul and his merry band of role players left Constantiam vowing to never return. Constantiam lost its very own FitMC that day. Oh Well!

Vortex Coalition: Shortly after Sinning Soul was sent packing, another group invaded Constantiam and this group was the Vortex Coalition first seen on 2b2t a few years earlier! Voco was able to place an account on the NETHER ROOF where they spammed for weeks in an effort to recruit new members. As more players got recruited they would receive Vocoins, which is Voco’s make believe currency if they spammed chat with a Vortex Coalition recruiting message. These coins could be used to purchase in game equipment that was being created using the latest Donkey Duplication Glitch

June – August 2018:
The Summer of 2018 brought many unfortunate events to Constantiam. The first being the Fast Travel Exploit using boats.
Boat Glitch: Using a hacked client a player was able to place a boat in the nether and then glitch through the netherrack at very fast speeds. This glitch enabled certain players to travel to bases quickly so they might grief them.
Base Destructions: Using the Boat Glitch a player by the name of Babbaj was able to grief three different bases. The bases that were griefed were Nyroc's solo base, and Leeloo Town built by the player fat leeloo! A large group base named Aurora Seas was also griefed. One of the members of Aurora Seas made the following video of the base before it was griefed. Video HERE

Nerds, Inc:
Also during the Summer of 2018 Constantiam saw the arrival of Nerds, Inc on its shores. Nerds, Inc is a group from 2b2t consisting of the players popbob, iTristan, and fr1kin. These three players spammed the server for weeks and destroyed several bases shortly after their arrival.

Maps Reset: It was during this time period that a group of players Reset All the Maps on Constantiam. Utilizing the Donkey Dupe Maps were duped and then used to overwrite all the maps. Constantiam’s admin PhantomCaptain was making regular backups of the Maps enabling the Maps to be restored. With Map Art being very popular on Constantiam virtually all the Artwork was saved.

The Daily Cuck: In August of 2018 The Daily Cuck Constantiam’s most trusted news source gets an upgrade and new look by the player PaperEditor. As of this upgrade The Daily Cuck had been continually printing**”Real News not Fake News”** for over a year and a half!

October 1st: A player by the name of parotic griefed Voco Valley, which was Voco's attemped to leave their mark at spawn!

Written Book Dupe: This dupe has been the largest in Constantiam’s three-year history. By maxing out the pages on Written Books one was able to alter the ‘Save State’ of a Chunk. By leaving that chunk and returning the items within the Chunk were duped. This dupe wreaked havoc on Constantiam’s Economy.

Columbia Base: On October 19, 2018 a base that was way out in the millions was griefed by two of its members, but more on that in a second. Columbia Base was formed by members of Royal Dynasty; Royal Dynasty was Oremongers base that was griefed in 2017 by two of its members drewbookman and SilverKrownKing after a base dispute. The members of Columbia were VargaGirl, MadamGiggles, BallsyBlockHead, BalonyPony, drewbookman, and SilverKrownKing. During the Unity in May of this year drewbookman leaked the coords to Columbia to Dot4. On October 19, 2018 Dot4 dropped the coords in game chat. This action was then followed up by drewbookman and SilverKrownKing griefing Columbia! VargaGirl made a video of Columbia of which you can view HERE.

November 18, 2018: On this day Constantiam was invaded by bots. Deezdox logged on with over 100 bots bringing the player count to 133.

doctrzombie: The YouTuber doctrzombie famous for making YouTube videos on 2b2t starts a series on Constantiam to the joy of many on the server! You can view the series HERE!

December 18, 2018: A player by the name of HopeAnnihilator was able to Max Out his XP bringing his Total XP to 21,798. This was confirmed by the server Admin PhantomCaptain in the reddit post above.

Arstotska This was a very large and very secret group base founded in December, 2016, by 3Stix and gsinper. Arstotska grew very quickly and became home to the following players: 3stix, gsinper, CDAGaming, MH, Kars, Laxdude, Werton,Pepper, Marioboogie, Jayanna, Flixnix007, Zeteran, Sharpie, Hayor, OneTrueLauk, Ben, Krazyeyzkilla, and SirLeonidas. Several pieces of MapArt came from Arstotska, but alas it was found by two players on December 28, 2018. These two players were mvc4209 and ravager124. They begin to grief the base before being killed by 3stix and gsinper!

January 2019: Book Dupe Patched In 2018 the largest dupe to ever come to Constantiam was known as the Book Dupe. By maxing out the pages on Written Books one was able to alter the ‘Save State’ of a Chunk. By leaving that chunk and returning the items within the Chunk were duped. In January of 2019 the dupe was patched by PhantomCaptain through a plug-in. The plug-in made books with maxed out pages illegal therefore patching the dupe. Many mega dupe stashes were created with many of them being found and destroyed. Some of the most notable dupe stashes created were by the players Theoretical and NobleCaptain The dupe stash known as 7-11 near spawn was destroyed by the player SirGwaine on March 10, 2019. Unfortunately, the plugin used by the Admin caused some of the books made by the player SortbyNode to be damaged in the process. SortbyNode is well known on Constantam for creating many of the books in existence. In fact, these very History Posts have been placed in books on Constantiam.

February 23, 2019 The PVP group Elite_Tier.pl is formed. Members include Dot5, eclipcen, aominee, dabigbulletz638, and Mariobamaboy More on this group later.

February of 2019 Vardzia was a group founded on February 26, 2019 by Infinitypanda, Dinosaurwizard, and The_Glekster. After building a small outpost the group decided to expand so they invited Aesaer, Kinetic_Spectrum, FrostedRouge, Corraine. Coords to a dupe stash provided by ATotalHobo, which turned out to be ZoomerTowm gave Vardzia a jump start. More on this group later.

March 31, 2019 In 2018 the player CainesLaw started work on a base near spawn. VargaGirl joined and then other players were invited. This base lasted for more than six months even though it was barely 10K blocks away from spawn. As the base grew other players were invited such as Hayor, MadamGiggles, Mariobamaboy, and SirLeonidas! Surprisingly the base was found by several new players but was never griefed until March 31, 2019. MadamGiggles did a YouTube video on the base in its prime and it can be viewed HERE

During the Summer of 2019 Constantiam** saw an average player count of ~100. Server also had other challenges such as an average TPS of 5, daily Bot Attacks, Lag Machines running, and very poor server conditions. The server admin PhantomCaptain made efforts to maintain the server, but this became an ever-increasing ominous task. On August 16, 2019 the Admin responded to a reddit post which was a veiled warning. That reddit post can be found HERE. More on this foreshadowing of the WhiteList later.

Entity Speed Nerfed In order to try and combat the lag PhantomCaptian started reducing the speed in which players could travel on Entities. Certain Hacks allow players to travel at very fast speeds when riding an Entity such as a Horse or Pig. As of the writing of this post Entity Speed is still nerfed.

June of 2019 The Daily Cuck Newpaper temporarily suspended operations due to the lag, and it’s Editor in Chief, Paper Editor taking a vacation. The Daily Cuck started operations in February of 2017, and continued until June of 2019. 25 Unique Papers exist on Constantiam with many of them in circulation as collectible art work Plans are in place for the paper to continue in 2020.

June 13, 2019 Construction Started on a base by the name of The Blue Phoenix by the players: Tirget aka Eagle-Eye, hilarity aka bakedaccent, fuccers, aztrosist, toringe, projacti, and cuboyd. The base was built in the Ocean and you can view pictures by clicking HERE. Also MadamGiggles did a video tour of the base in all it's Glory which can be viewed HERE. Unfortunately the base was found by a new player and later griefed by him on **September15, 2019.

July 26, 2019 The First Realm which was a built by a player named SirAnnikus was griefed by the players cuboyd. This Castle Complex was documented by SirAnnikus on the reddit with a cinematic video that can be viewed **HERE

Constantiam Base Tours During this time the YouTuber MadamGiggles and others did many base tours on Constantiam. A few notable bases are: Spruce Town, Sato Base Tour, Tortuga, Spawn Masons Lodge, Leelootown, George Murray’s Base, New Flaxton, and many, many others. You can view these bases and many others by going to MadamGiggles YouTube Channel

June, 2019 “END DAYS" Well MadamGiggles was giving tours of bases the player Oremonger was dismantling what remained of his base Royal Dynasty! Royal Dynasty was one of the first bases on Constantiam founded in May, 2016 The history of both the RISE and FALL is well documented in past history posts. You can see the base both in its Glory and it’s final Destruction by clicking **HERE

Constantiam Map Art Renaissance During the second half of 2019 many players, but especially the group known as the Salt Miners created MapArt by the dozens. Two of the largest Maps were Saturn V, by tabbot and The Eclipse, by Xray_Doc. Both of these Maps are 20 Maps each, which are just a little smaller than Picasso, by Oremonger and the 2016 Map of Spawn, by MadamGiggles. Many other players created MapArt during this time, and an abbreviated list of them is: ** dvddy, Hayor, VargaGirl, DukeTheDragon, Dubzlinger, Astrokie, Cuboyd, Yakhi, KiwiSlider, KoZe_404, Zipdox, dofu, Squidz, Meth, dom_mld, CookiesOfGods, IJSD, PEC, Xray_Doc, Peter R de Vries, fat leeloo, Chae, Third_Right, whgat, Toringe_, lombardozzi8, tabbot, only_vincent, IamCakee, TageErik, Supreme_Box_Logo, BroodjeBamiBal, Gingerbeard, Anvilize, James, AjureliusWulf, mankool69, EmeraldSnorlax, Stelix_. , and many others!**

Fit Fan Club for Men This was a group of players that idolized FitMC on Constantiam. To by quite honest I have no idea as to what they did when they got together. Some of their party locations can be found around spawn.

August 26, 2019 MSB1.0 was a Map Art Trading Post built by the player Hayor. This is where many players would come to showcase their latest MapArt creation and to trade players for others. It was griefed by the player Cable_Jr on August 26, 2019!

September, 2019 The players pr0_noscoper and aholic started larping about a nonexistent base called Bogotown based on the supreme box logo mapart we built together. UncoChad and a few of his group noticed our larping and decided they wanted to join our then nonexistent base, so we chose out a location and started building on October 7th. A few other members joined later, such as kleminator, whgat, travis, and varuna. Travis moved smbot there until it got taken down and we had built a fair amount over the ocean biome. In the early morning of November 18th, UncoChad insided the base to ohitsdann and a few other people because of an argument. The base was completely leveled and the griefing video made was one of the only clips of the base. That video can be viewed HERE

Constantiam YouTube Series A player named m4Vincent started a regular running Youtube Series on Constantiam with a unique twist. He would build a base and continue construction until the base was found and destroyed. Once found he would set off in a new direction to repeat the process. Given the nature of an Anarchy Server this was popular with both builders and griefers alike. His channel can be found by clicking **HERE

October of 2019 After fuming over the loss of their Headquarters and dupe stash Nerds, Inc destroyed two notable players bases. The first was a base owned by VargaGirl, and the second was a Mushroom Island Base owned by SirLeonidas. Both bases were in the millions and Nerds, Inc. dug straight to them using Baritone mod!

Halloween Town, Thanksgiving Town, and Christmas Village This Holiday tradition entered its fourth year on Constantiam and was started in 2016 by MadamGiggles. An ever-growing event the Holiday build team went all out this year with some amazing builds.

** Thanksgiving Town had a Turkey that was 260 blocks tall and was surrounded by all the Holiday Fixings to resemble a dinner table. The builders of Thanksgiving Town are as follows: Nyroc_, leeloo, Zeetijgertje, II DRTYDAWG II, HeliBladeScraper, FuzzyFutureFox, Hayor, PurdueMatt, Gibous, villicool112, MsGiggs, KrazyEyzKilla, Sir Leonidas

December, 2019 Also saw the destruction of bases on Constantiam, which is a reminder that this is an Anarchy Server. One of the most notable base destructions was that of ** The Salt Miners**. The Salt Miners are known for having many bases on Constantiam and most were destroyed from the inside. According to it’s founder cuboyd SM1,3,7 was destroyed by the players 20a and 10ab, SM4 by Jeding, SM2 and SMX by dino, and the -X World Border Base at 30,000,000 was griefed by dino as well. You can see pictures of these bases by clicking **HERE. **

There was also a well done CONSTANTIAM REWIND 2019 Video done by CuBoyd which can be viewed **HERE. **

December 31, 2019 Saw the fall of MSB2.0, which was Hayors Map Trading Outpost.
Undeterred both The Salt Miners and Hayor have pledged to build again!
December, 2019 Also brought some updates from PhantomCaptain regarding Constantiam for 2020. One big announcement is a planned server hardware upgrade in the first quarter of 2020.
Server Name: Constantiam
Server Address: constantiam.net
Server Website: https://constantiam.net

Category: constantiam.net

