Introducing: Souls & Corpses

by sudokou

Souls & Corpses have been released on both servers!

When you die, a corpse will spawn at your death location. The corpse contains all of the items you dropped. Corpses are protected for the first 10 minutes so that only you can recover the items you dropped. After 10 minutes, the corpse unlocks so anyone can take the items. Corpses decay (despawn) after 48 hours.

Souls can be used to soulbind an item. A soulbound item is NEVER dropped on death, and soulbinding lasts forever. Soulbinding costs 500 souls. You get 1 soul for every custom mob you kill. Also, corpses contain all the souls of the player that died - so whoever loots the corpse gets those souls!

This system will likely be tweaked over time as we get some feedback on it and see how it works on the servers.

Have fun!
Server Name: SemiVanilla MC
Server Address:
Server Website:

