

FlyingBroccoli joined the server in late October of 2019. He walked out of spawn in the overworld and found a farm, where he made bread and diamond tools/armor. After this, he got on a nether highway and walked far out of spawn to make a base, which to this day is still alive and continuously being built at. 

In December FlyingBroccoli /killed back to spawn to build a Christmas village, which Madam Giggles later toured. After this he went back to his main base. During this time period, the server was experiencing massive lag spikes which made the server nearly unbearable to play. In February of 2020 the server went to a temp map, and FlyingBroccoli befriended Gruigi, Frosted_Rouge, Gepardix, and others. Together they made 2 bases and used the zombie-portal dupe to dupe kits which were handcrafted by them. 

While on this temp-map, FlyingBroccoli made a YouTube video of him killing naked players at spawn. The reaction to this video was somewhat negative. Eventually the main map returned and FlyingBroccoli continued to build at his base. In June of 2020 FlyingBroccoli made a second YouTube video of him helping a group of players escape spawn, which was recorded about half an hour after the killing-spree. He made this to regain face from the negative reaction of the player-killing video. The reaction to this video was extremely positive, and he was invited by Cuboyd to come to a build project known as the "Cuboyd Biome". FlyingBroccoli purchased a second account which was then geared up by a player named MasterFuega, afterwhich he journeyed to the Cuboyd Biome to build. When the Cuboyd Biome was griefed, Cuboyd asked FlyingBroccoli to make a video on it. FlyingBroccoli released The Story of Cuboyd Biome on June 26 of 2020, which received an extremely positive reaction from the community. At this point, he decided to start making regular YouTube videos as the community seemed to be greatly enjoying them.

In July of 2020 Constantiam went to another temp map due to world corruption and chunks resetting. On this temp map, FlyingBroccoli went to a base with KiwiSlider, M4Vincent, and VargaGirl. The last day of the temp map came, and FlyingBroccoli attended a party with many other players. He joined his first voice-chat and befriended many people such as KiwiSlider, Halo7761, and Demon568, which continue to be his closest friends on the server. The main map returned after this, and life on Constantiam went on. He currently spends his time building at his main base, as well as multiple other bases which he’s been invited to, while also continuing to make YouTube videos of his adventures at spawn. In October of 2020 FlyingBroccoli created the Constantiam Monthly Event Club in order to bring players together and create fun experiences for the Constantiam playerbase, which is still an active group that brings monthly events to players.

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