
Server Name: Constantiam
Server Address:
Server Website:

Bomb joined Constantiam on the 22nd of September during the prequel to 2020. He claims to have not played that much due to another anarchy server being created, owned by the popular 2b2t YouTuber known as SalC1. After a while he joined an anarchy server called Outpost, recalling that being the server where he became a real anarchy player. Unfortunately, however, Outpost has since closed, leaving Bombiribom with the choice of joining Constantiam. 

His first few days were spent running around in spawn and honing his social skills on the server. Eventually Bomb got bored, and decided to go base hunting. It was during this time when he discovered two bases worth mentioning; one belonged to a player by the name of danger_arnie, and the other, an abandoned base which he forgets the owner of. We’ll get to that one later. Danger_arnie was messaged by Bomb with a proposal to base together, and they both agreed to meet at spawn and look for an ideal location to erect their base. This is when they discovered the abandoned base, and decided to settle there. 

After a while, Bombiribom decided that the base needed more players, so he ventured back to spawn and invited two more: hobrin, and charlie_andrews. 2 weeks passed that they spent building, until danger_arnie met a player named imverycringealt. They all knew that he was a newfriend, so they suspected it’d be easy to gain his trust; going on to attain the coordinates to his base-- via one of his basemates telling them,-- which Bombiribom then sold to _nutellagod in exchange for kits. Bomb reports the trade going extremely well, as he gained 60 Duchove kits; a quantity of wealth he’d never before achieved on the server. After the drama with imverycringealt had ended, Bomb decided to journey back to spawn and meet more players; namely finnthehumanlol, node3112 and _simpy. After the fact, the Constantiam Tempmap arrived, which caused Bomb to officially become a spawnfriend, training with crystals in PVP. At that point charlie_andrews and danger_arnie had quit, so he and hobrin abandoned their soon-to-be griefed base, creating a base at the coordinates 69,420x 69,420y. 

It was at this time when imverycringealt began playing again, and he told Bomb that he’d like to base with him. Bomb did what any logical player would do and elected to bedtrap him. Unfortunately imverycringealt escaped, and went on to grief the memebase. Bomb ultimately took a seventeen day break from the server, returning in September to begin working on a base at 900K. Melancholically, none of the people who he invited actually showed up, so he halted progress on the base. His time on the server since then has mostly been spent honing his PVP skills and doing miscellaneous other things.

